The Pagache was a cross between a large pierogi and a potato and cheese calzone. Pagache features cheesy mashed potatoes encased in a light, yeasted crust. I've never been good at making foods that involve yeast so it was clear C would be making the dough.
Here are the steps:

Roll out the dough into a 14 by 20 inch rectangle on a floured work surface and evenly put potato cheese filling on half of the dough.

I love making soup because it usually involves me cutting up vegetables in front of the television and then going to bed and awaking to an alarm clock to turn the stove top off when the pot of soup is done simmering. Soup means meals for a week and extras to freeze to enjoy the fruits of your past labors on a relaxing no cooking day. Soup is inexpensive, healthy, and good for your soul.

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